How to get a job opportunity during the coronavirus pandemic? Alicia Miguez describes her conversion to Azure technology

On this occasion, we are sharing the experience of Alicia, a graduate of the Generation Spain Foundation and EOI Administrator Azure program, in collaboration with Microsoft and the IAMCP. Alicia is currently working as Cloud Support Technician in Inetum Spain.
1. What was your educational background and what was your previous work before the Azure System Administrator training?
My level of studies was pretty much basic, with a GCE (General Certificate of Education) in social sciences. When I was 18 years old, I thought that the best thing I could do was having a university degree and I opted for Social Work, but two years later, for economic reasons, I had to leave and go to work in the most demanded sector, the hostelry, aiming to have a position of responsibility in a coffee shop.
2. How did you find out about our program and what was your first impression?
I found out about the program through social media, one of those boring afternoons during a sick leave, and I thought “why not?”. As I always liked technology, I decided to check the web, register and selection tests. Finally, they reached me.
3. How do you remember the first day of class and the training experience throughout the weeks?
I remember the first day of class as if it was yesterday, a presentation of 4 or 5 teachers, each one specialized in something different, and making us feel that this was an opportunity that we should not waste. I felt super comfortable throughout the course and as a cliché, I learned a lot, I laughed a lot too and above all I met people that will stick with me for long.
4. Where are you currently working and what is your role?
I currently work in a company called Inetum España S.A. as a Cloud support technician, being Azure my specialty.
5. How long have you been in this company? Are you happy with the sector change you made?
I’ve been there for almost a year, I was lucky enough to start working during the pandemic and, to be honest, I couldn’t be happier, not only for getting the job but for having changed my life at that time.
6. Would you encourage other people who may be in your past situation or similar, to take this training oriented in Microsoft technologies and with the Generation methodology in terms of soft skills and employability?
Of course, and actually I already did. Recommending something like this in order to help young people to get out of a situation as complicated as the one we are experiencing is necessary. Generation has a very good way of helping in that sense by teaching new things, such as Soft Skills, something that I hardly thought that was necessary to teach, but it is something quite valuable since it helps us to know how we are and what we must know about ourselves.